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Ingleburn to Deir Suneid
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11 June 1941

0330 Reveille.  0430 Start Time.  Moved northward along main road.  0804 Road block. 1150 cleared area, taking 50 P.W., 2 Mortars, 2 A/T Guns and 5 LMG's.  1230 Mortar fire from near vicinity.  Hull Down position taken up.  A forward OP was with the Sqn at this stage.

Wireless Communication was established with the navy

The Sqn moved forward and contacted fire from the forward defences of Saida in the Wadi NAHH EZ NAHRANI.  The defences consisted of LMG and A/T fire and the position was held by the Foreign Legion.  The Sqn withdraw to R V position.  Hull down positions were held until nightfall when Sqn withdrew to R V area arriving there at 2030 hrs.  Maintenance and servicing were carried out.

Casualties: Sgt EJ Earl....Exhaustion and shell shock.  Tpr MC McCormack...Septic sores

12 June 1941

0430 hrs.  Moved out to bridge at road junction.  enemy minefield located in this area, between the coast road and the beach.  The light tanks of little use in this type of country, and were withdrawn into the reserve area.  A/T and LMG fire encountered from the village and hills east of the road.  Villages of Rhaziye and Dare Es Sim were entered, no defensive positions to be found, patrol moved back to hull down position west of Dare Es Sim.

(Amendment to A Sqn War Diary 11 June '41, to be inserted between 0430 and 1200 yrs.)

0400. encountered road block.  No 3 troop leading Cpl Quail's Carrier forward.  Saw four enemy tanks well camoflauged with straw.  No 3 troop withdrew to hull down position on right flank.  Remainder of Sqn came forward and adapted hull down positions.  Lieut Hennessy, Sgt Cramp and his gunner went to high ground with Bren gun to try and silence the 3 enemy a/T guns, but were forced to evacuate owing to SA and A/T fire.  OC came forward with Sgt Cramp and Tpr Killen.  Made a forward recce accounting for a sniper on the way forward.  By this time enemy snipers had moved forward and occupied high ground on right flank.  OC sent forward Bren gunner to silence these snipers.  During this move our Arty was shelling the enemy positions in an effort to dislodge the enemy tanks.  This shelling succeeded in dislodging the enemy from the area around the tanks and fire was brought to bear on the retreating enemy by OC, Sgt Cramp and Tpr Killen.  Sgt Edwards with Boys rifle engaged the enemy A/T gun.  One man was shot and the enemy A/T gunners dislodged.  Our Arty fire now forced the enemy tanks to retreat and they withdrew along the road with one A/T gun in tow leaving 2 still dug in east of the road.  Our S A fire and Boys rifle forced the gun crews to abandon the guns and take cover in the road cutting.  The Sqn Leader with a party carrying LMG and Thompson Sub Machine guns then worked down the ridge from the east and outflanked the enemy infantry.  Approx 40 PO's 2 A/T guns, two 6" Mortars, 5 LMG's and heavy Hotchkiss MG's were captured.  The whole area was found to be heavily mined.  No 3 Troop then continued as forward troop.

13 June 1941 (portion thereof)

0430 Sqn moved off to road junction.  Light tanks in reserve.  No 3 Troop (Lt Hennessy) entered the outskirts of Saida, but withdrew on contacting enemy AFV's to Sqn position.  Hull down positions held till 1600 hrs.  Sqn gave covering fire to infantry, and assisted them to extricate themselves from enemy encircling tank attack in area North of Dare Es Sim.  The carriers assisted AMC personnel in evacuating casualties from the field.  Sqn light tanks bombed at low level by French aircraft.  No damage to vehicles, but casualties were Cpl C Amos MM bomb splinters in the hand, and Cpl F O'Donnel, shell shock.  Sqn returned to R V area and were relieved by A Sqn 9 Aust Div Cav Regt.  Maintenance and servicing carried out.

14 June 1941

0500 hrs.  Stand to OC Lieut T Mills MC proceeded with "A" Sqn 9 Aust Div Cav Regt to forward areas.  0900 hrs.  Sqn moved back to rest area.  Vehicles dispersed.  Maintenance of vehicles and guns.  Swimming enjoyed.  This campaign following so closely upon the desert warfare in the Capuzza area told severely upon the men mentally and physically.  Numerous casualties evactuated suffering from shell shock, fatigue and fever.

15 June 1941

Sqn in rest area.  Conveyance available transport personnel to Litani River for swimming and washing of clothes.

16 June 1941

0630.  Machine gunned by French bomber.  Tpr G Sadd killed.  Sqn rested.  1600 hrs No 1 and 3 Tps patrolled road leading east from Abour El Assould.  Fine and warm NW wind.

19 June 1941

0500 hrs.  Reveille.  Maintenance occupied the morning.  1430 hrs Sqn moved North along main road Tyr-Saida.  One carrer returned to workshops.  Sqn how has 2 light tanks and 8 carriers.  Sqn took over 4 French tanks, 11 tonners.  Sqn reverted from 7 Aust Div Command to 21 Bde.  Lt Dent transferred RHQ, subsequently evacuated to hospital.  Fine and warm NW wind.

20 June 1941

0400 hrs.  Reveille.  4 and 6 tps patrolled roads leading East to Kafr maya.  No enemy sighted.  3 and 5 Tps patrol main coast road leading North to Ras Nebi Younes.  Constructed road block 1 and 2 Tps now with French tanks.  2 MK 6 Light tanks sent back to workshops near Acre.  1830 Patrols retire to RV in palms.  Maintenance, servicing of guns carried out.

23 June 1941

0400 hrs.  Reveille.  Four carriers under Lt Mulally patrolling road from coast observed enemy movements.  1900 hrs.  Return to RV French tanks and personnel on loan to B Sqn.  Left RV 1700 hrs via Saida-Mardjayun road.  Fine and warm NW wind.

Casualties....Tpr A Croll, Pneumonia.

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